<< MCQ 3 MCQ 4 MCQ 5 MCQ 6 >>

1. A process, in which the temperature of the working substance remains constant during its expansion or compression, is called
2. A closed system is one in which heat and work crosses the boundary of the system but the mass of the working substance does not crosses the boundary of the system.
3. The free expansion process is a constant enthalpy process.
4. The greater the pressure difference in throttling, the lesser is the irreversibility.
5. Kelvin-Planck's law deals with
6. One kg of carbon produces __________ kg of carbon dioxide.
7. For a perfect gas, according to Boyle's law (where p = Absolute pressure, v = Volume, and T = Absolute temperature)
8. The expansion ratio (r) is the ratio of (where v1 = Volume at the beginning of expansion, and v2 = Volume at the end of expansion)
9. Ericsson cycle consists of two constant pressure and two isothermal processes.
10. Otto cycle efficiency is higher than Diesel cycle efficiency for the same compression ratio and heat input because in Otto cycle
11. The efficiency of Diesel cycle depends upon
12. Liquid fuels have lower efficiency than solid fuels.
13. The general gas energy equation is (where Q1 - 2 = Heat supplied, dU = Change in internal energy, and W1 - 2 = Work done in heat units)
14. The dual combustion cycle consists of one constant pressure, two constant volume and two isentropic processes.
15. The heat supplied to the gas at constant volume is (where m = Mass of gas, cv = Specific heat at constant volume, cp = Specific heat at constant pressure, T2 - T1 = Rise in temperature, and R = Gas constant)
16. The efficiency of a dual combustion cycle __________ upon cut-off ratio.
17. The compression ratio for Diesel engines is
18. Liquid fuels consist of hydrocarbons.
19. Liquid fuels have higher calorific value than solid fuels.
20. Hydrogen is the __________ substance.
Thermodynamics MCQ 4
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<< MCQ 3 MCQ 4 MCQ 5 MCQ 6 >>

Mechanical Engineering MCQ

  1. Automobile Engineering
  2. Material Science or Engineering Material
  3. Workshop Technology
  4. Fluid Mechanics
  5. Engineering Mechanics

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